Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Blog 1. Stereotypes and the media.

A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing: "sexual and racial stereotypes".
For example, we stereotype by seeing someone either in person or on the TV and within 30 seconds of looking at them we judge them by either what they are wearing, what skin colour they are, what they are doing ect. I think we do this to put people into categories to tell ourselves if we will get long with them or not, also I think it's a way of trying to understand something by putting into a context we understand. It can be a tool to relate to people if used in the right way. I don't think people stereotype to be mean or nasty, but if someone looks or acts for instance dresses a certain way, you stereotype them into what you have heard about that type of person. It may not be true, but if you are wearing all black and you have black hair and black eyeliner most likely you are a goth. In my opinion I also believe that the media plays a huge roll in the way we stereotype people as the media portrays people in different ways stereotyping them to give us a better understanding into their lives, so that they don't have to have a huge lead up in explaining what that character it like. For example, when there is a person driving a flash expensive car we automatically assume that character is wealthy, or when a character is a man that is on a couch, overweight, drinking beer and eating rubbish food we think that he obviously must be very lazy ect.

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